Thursday, June 9, 2011

No Contract finalized yet by PBSO

As of today, no word on the contract being finalized. The Commission will still have to vote to accept the contract and then ABIDE by their decision. Nothing is set in concrete until after June 30th, the final day to give the Sheriff notice the City of Lake Worth will not be retaining PBSO.

1 comment:

Karri said...

The $1 million dollar reduction had been arrived at by Sheriff Ric Bradshaw 6 to 8 months ago.

This was another WASTE of time, money, staff hours and salary. Don't be fooled, this was NOT a negotiating tool. The 3 on the dais and the CM have created that "theme" as their justification and "Raison d'être" in regards to this unnecessary ploy.

It is despicable that Stanton, Mulvehill, Golden and McVoy stooped so low - threatening the citizens of Lake Worth with this unnecessary exercise, resulting in dire concern and fear about their Public Safety.

And they are not going to stop. They have already started their attack on the PBC Fire Rescue, once again hiring the Willdan Group at the tune of $35,000.

That's right, the same group that did the police study abiding by what Stanton told them:
“the City of Lake Worth has made a conscious decision to move forward with establishing the Lake Worth Police Department”.

It's in writing; they say one thing one minute and in the next - change their tune to deflect the results of their poor decision making.

Is this REALLY who we want leading the charge of the City?