This is about our PUBLIC SAFETY. The law enforcement issue is far from over; the contract is not signed and we have until June 30th to notify the Sheriff that we will not be continuing with their services.
The PBSO is under no illusion that this is the end of it. They KNOW this will be coming back again next year, despite the two year contract. After all, the City of Lake Worth breaks contracts all the time.
The dais is now turning their focus on the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. Once again, we are throwing good money after bad, paying the Willdan group $35,000 for a study we don’t need. Just like the PBSO, the PBC Fire Rescue has cost us less than the LW Fire Dept. Similarly as with the PBSO, the contract for the study was done without an RFP and the consultants have a financial interest in recommending the termination of the PBC Fire Rescue contract.
The pension issues are a tool the City Manager and 3 of the commissioners are using to fool the public. Both pensions are now closed plans. No one can enter them. Reconstituting the LWFD or the LWPD, will not change this. The money owed to those in the pension will still have to be paid. If either the LW Fire or Police Departments were to be reformed, NEW pension plans would be started. The existing ones would not be affected.